As Floods Spread Through Europe, Will Croatia Flood?

Lauren Simmonds

croatia flood
Tomaž Primožič/FPA/PIXSELL/F.A. BOBO

September the 17th, 2024 – Will parts of Croatia flood like elsewhere in Europe? As water levels cause issues and rivers burst their banks in Poland and elsewhere, Croatia isn’t immune to similar problems.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, as flooding causes issues for numerous other countries, in some places here in Croatia, there’s less flow in some rivers.

“Good examples of that are the Mura and Drava rivers when compared to the situation in August last year,” said Đuroković for HTV’s Dnevnik when discussing the situation in various places across Europe with flooding and the possible consequences for Croatia.

Tomaž Primožič/FPA/PIXSELL/F.A. BOBO

Attention, he said, should be paid especially to the upstream basin of the Danube section. This is where Austria, Slovakia, part of the Czech Republic and Hungary all lie. It’s also where certain amounts of rain are still falling heavily and the inflows head towards their basins and the wider Danube, so the current forecasts are not entirely credible.

He learned from his Hungarian colleagues that Hungary is currently heading towards the second largest water wave in the history of the Danube. That could repeat the horrendous scenario from back 2013 when a new record in terms of water level in Budapest. The Republic of Croatia was also very close to that record itself.

Since then, according to Đuroković, plenty of waterways have been maintained in a very neat condition.

“Now the water level at the entrance profile in Batina is at around +140 centimetres, but in the coming days the Danube will rise by six metres, which is a very serious water level and is at a level higher than seven thousand cubic metres,” explained Đuroković when addressing the more direct question of: Will Croatia flood?

For this reason, he added, nothing should be left to chance, and they have 7 to 10 days to prepare, which they are already doing.

He asserted that the most important thing for now is to exchange information with colleagues and monitor forecasts. “We’re ready in terms of materials and supplies as always. “Croatia will organise itself with all its forces to resist such water waves”, he pointed out.

Grgo Jelavic/PIXSELL

He warned weekenders in the area of ​​Green Island in Batina, who are used to living alongside and “with” the Danube in some way, that the water level will exceed the measurements from June this year, when it stood at +642 centimetres.

“This will probably go over +700 centimetres and towards extraordinary flood defence measures. In these conditions, you should raise your property to higher parts of the house in time and get out of those areas, if there’s anyone there. The same is true for those along the Vučica River,” warned Đuraković.

Will Croatia flood? It’s difficult to tell and all of the proper actions are currently being undertaken in order to monitor and curb that possibility. Over the next 7 to 10 days, the country will absolutely have extremely high water levels, and caution should be employed.


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