Lauren Simmonds

State Expects Minimum of 458 Million Kuna from Sale of Three Hotels

Lauren Simmonds

The last three hotel companies under state ownership are expected to drum up a significant amount.

Arrested Agrokor Affair Suspects Return to Work, Praise Ante Ramljak

Lauren Simmonds

Praise for Ante Ramljak as two suspects arrested in the Agrokor affair return to work.

Bura Sees Franjo Tudjman Bridge Closed, Catamarans and Flights Cancelled

Lauren Simmonds

The Pearl of the Adriatic is taking a battering from the elements.

Istraturist’s Main Man Highlights Croatia’s Biggest Tourism ”Curse”

Lauren Simmonds

The curse of Croatia’s tourism could see it see much weaker seasons, much sooner than expected…

Not Your Everyday Guests! Two Wolves Search for Food in Podkilavac

Lauren Simmonds

Hunters have assured locals that the wolves pose no threat to safety.

Morals, Ethics and Public Figures vs Croatian Memes – Meet the Best

Lauren Simmonds

What does one do when one lives in a country full of economic, political and social issues? Not to mention ...

Ivica Todorić’s Property, Shares and Accounts Blocked

Lauren Simmonds

He may be safe in the United Kingdom, but the hounds can still smell him…

Todorić: ”In Future, Direct All Your Attention to Decisions of Creditor Council and Court”

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić isn’t happy with Ante Ramljak being the one to decide over the creditor’s council…

Todorić: ”If Everything is Transparent, Publish Names of People who Wrote Lex Agrokor”

Lauren Simmonds

The blog strikes again, and this time, even Ante Ramljak’s ex-wife is being dragged into the chaos.

Burger King Planning to Open 15 New Restaurants Across Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

The popular fast food restaurant chain is planning a major expansion in Croatia.