Lauren Simmonds

Plenković on Agrokor: ”We Want Light Shed On All Aspects Of The Whole Story”

Lauren Simmonds

The PM wants to know the whole story, from all angles and with light shed on all of its aspects.

Plenković Talks About Main Benefits of Euro Introduction

Lauren Simmonds

What’s in it for the public, institutions and businesses?

Zdravko Marić Announces Lawsuit Against SDP’s Gordan Maras: ”He’s Exceeded Every Measure”

Lauren Simmonds

The finance minister isn’t happy, and it seems Gordan Maras’ bold statements might have come back to bite him.

Croatia Who? Ivica Todorić Hires Top British Lawyer to Avoid Extradition

Lauren Simmonds

The boss refuses to return to Croatia and hires a top British lawyer to keep him in London.

Todorić: If There Is Any Responsibility To Be Taken, It Is Exclusively Mine!

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić, currently in the United Kingdom, has taken to his blog amid new goings on in the Agrokor crisis.

Not Long Now: Dubrovnik’s Good Food Festival

Lauren Simmonds

The fourth edition of Dubrovnik’s Good Food Festival is just a couple of days away!

Bandić, Sanader, Vidošević, Horvatinčić… List of Croatian Arrests Which Resulted in – Nothing

Lauren Simmonds

In case you were wondering how this situation with Agrokor might turn out…

Todorić Could Seek Asylum in United Kingdom, May Even Succeed?

Lauren Simmonds

One would think that the net had started to close in on the formerly untouchable boss, but has it?

Sberbank Wins First Court Case Against Agrokor

Lauren Simmonds

A crushing blow to Croatia’s largest privately owned company as Russia’s Sberbank wins in its first court case against Agrokor.

Agrokor: Ivica and Ante Todorić Still in London, Several Arrests Made

Lauren Simmonds

Is the net closing in on the big boss?