Lauren Simmonds

Todorić Posts Press Release, Calls ”Aggression” Against Him Political Affair

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić posts a press release on his blog, in which he claims the aggression unleashed against him and his ...

”A National Shame! Judge Who Freed Horvatinčić Should Be Removed From Justice System!”

Lauren Simmonds

Professor Željko Marušić has his say on the subject of Tomislav Horvatinčić’s acquittal.

Todorić: How Does Jandroković Know DORH Will Start An Investigation?

Lauren Simmonds

Ivica Todorić, currently believed to be abroad, has taken to his blog once again.

Anaesthesiologist Says Horvatinčić’s Infamous ”Syncope” Excuse Doesn’t Make Sense

Lauren Simmonds

A specialist offers his view on Horvatinčić’s infamous ”syncope”.

Is Todorić More Powerful Than The State? Miljenić Reveals Agrokor Commission Plans

Lauren Simmonds

”We must be aware that as far as some things are concerned, Ivica Todorić and Agrokor were more powerful than ...

Bored With Ferries? Fly From Dubrovnik To Bari Next Year!

Lauren Simmonds

Why go just by water when you can go by air?

Fruit Twice As Expensive As Last Year, Threat Of Apple Shortage?

Lauren Simmonds

This year’s weird weather hasn’t done Croatia’s fruit stocks many favours…

Ex Agrokor Auditor No Longer Part of Baker Tilly International

Lauren Simmonds

Agrokor’s ex auditor Baker Tilly Croatia has been dropped from Baker Tilly International.

Franković Requests Inspection of ”Illegal” Cable Car Operation, Notifies DORH

Lauren Simmonds

Dubrovnik’s Mayor has issued Excelsa Nekretnine with a firm ultimatum.

Ivica Todorić: Plenković, Dalić and Ramljak Know Knighthead Very Well!

Lauren Simmonds

The blog strikes again!