Dubrovnik in History

Dubrovnik in History: On the Street in 1941
Every time I see vintage photos of Dubrovnik, I marvel at the empty walls and the streets dotted only with ...
Linđo Participates in Celebrating Vukovar City Day
The two cities, located at opposite ends of the country from one another have a lot in common, in both ...
The Fruits of War, One Particular Case: Interview with Ivonei Souza Trindade
The other day, we got an email from Brazil. Nothing strange there, were it not for its subject – The damages ...
554th Anniversary of Revelin Fortress
More than just a nightclub. What do you really know about Dubrovnik’s famous Revelin Fortress?
The 1667 Earthquake That Devastated Dubrovnik
350 years ago, Dubrovnik was all but destroyed by a shock earthquake, one of the two most devastating earthquakes to ...
21st Anniversary of Ron Brown’s Death Remembered in Dubrovnik
A solemn day of remembrance today in Dubrovnik.
Daksa, Dubrovnik’s Island of Ghosts
When it comes to the words ”Croatian islands” its likely that your brain will present you with an idyllic image, ...
Cruise Holidays to Dubrovnik… in 1959 (VIDEO)
Cruise tourism is a booming industry in Dubrovnik these days, of course, and the city has a long history of ...
Dubrovnik: A History
Dubrovnik often finds itself on lists and the ”must see” list seems to be the most common. While it is ...