Korčula Beach of the Week – Prižba

Total Croatia News

photo from korcula-larus.com website

Moving a bit further away from Korčula, today we examine the lovely Prižba beach.

Prižba is several different things: it’s a village, some 5 kilometers south of Blato, it’s the peninsula around which most of the activity is organized, and it’s the two bays, to the West and the East of the peninsula (the map will make this all much more understandable). Until recently, several decades ago, this area was not inhabited, but there are some houses there today, as the region first became popular for people of Blato to build there summer (or weekend!) house. So, today there are houses there, some for rent, there are a few bars, restaurants and grocery stores, there are people around but it almost never gets too busy or overwhelming, even during the peak summer season.

The beach we’re presenting to you today is the one facing East on the peninsula, as the one on the West is much less beach-goer friendly, it’s mostly small boats and kids doing whatever it is kids these days do that annoys the grown-ups to bits. The beach on the East side is not huge, but it’s just big enough to accept the people that want to enjoy it most days, and not have them feel like sardines. It’s wide enough for you to choose if you want your feet to be right by the water, or you want to withdraw yourself a bit more to the background, where the shade from the trees will come sooner. And there will be natural shade, especially in the afternoon, andof course, there’s the forest on the peninsula itself to which you can escape if you don’t want to be in the sun after your swim, and it is just a short walk from the beach itself.


The pebbles on the beach are wonderful, quite small and lovely to put your towel on, except for that narrow bit of the beach where natural rock appears from beneath the pebbles, so be careful there. The sea-water is extremely clear, which is the case with most beaches on the South side of the island, as it gets a lot of water fluctuation since it’s not really protected from the currents coming from the south. Oh, yes, speaking of protection, there are several small islets just off Prižba, which are lovely to sail around and explore, but are also helpful in protecting the beach itself from any bigger waves, as they will break off on those islets. The water is shallow close to the shore, so kids can play in it, but it’s not too troublesome to get into normal-depth swimming water for adults, and there are safeties around the beach, so you shouldn’t have problems with the boats coming too close.

There won’t be strong maestral in Prižba, because it’s the wrong side of the island (in more senses than one, actually), but if there are any types of Southern winds, it might get quite windy there, so check the forecast if you plan to go to Prižba. Like we said, there are several bars, restaurants and shops around that area, and it’s quite easy to park there, so you don’t really need to bring large quantities of water if you’re going to Prižba. Combine the swim at the lovely Prižba beach with a visit to wonderful Blato, and you won’t regret it!



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