The new website is clearer and faster for users and also includes the schedule of bus routes from Trogir and Čiovo.
Yesterday, Split’s public transport carrier Promet d.o.o. launched a brand new website – and unlike the former one, information is also available in English, it boasts a more modern design, it is faster and easier for users, and it even has the timetables for the Trogir bus station, reports Dalmacija Danas on May 8, 2018.
“I hope that everyone will be able to get all the information they need quicker and more responsively,” said the director of Promet, Tomislav Vojnović, who stressed that this is the basic version of the site, which will eventually be complemented and improved according to needs.
After the Government’s session last week in Split, among many other things, a grant agreement was signed to purchase new buses for Promet d.o.o. The total value of the project is 93,637,500.00 kuna, and the overall accepted cost for the project is almost 75 million kuna.
“We have signed a contract with the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure and the Central Agency for Financing and Contracting European Union Projects, to grant us 34 new buses. These will include 20 articulated and 14 solo buses, with new, low-floors, air-conditioning, and a Euro 6 diesel engine. The purchase is worth 75 million kuna, and the entire amount will be financed by EU grants, 85% of which is part of the European Union’s Cohesion Fund, and 15% is financed from the State Budget through the Ministry of Maritime Affairs,” says Vojnović.
Vojnović emphasized that this project is connected to a contract on the provision of communal services based on European Regulation 1370/2007, and other projects such as a system for ticket sales and validation, worker training, purchasing an additional 18 buses and removing the garage in Dračevac. These projects will also be funded from EU funds through the ITU mechanism within the Urban Agglomeration Split project.
For the 34 buses, a call for tenders was announced at which all potential suppliers could leave their remarks and suggestions. It then goes to an analysis at the Central Agency, after which the buses should be publicly procured in early June.
“We have also begun cooperation with one supplier to purchase surveillance cameras to control the interior and exterior of the buses, thus preventing any damage to the new buses,” concluded Vojnović.