Total Collapse of Split Ferry Port Tonight? Over 600 Italian Vehicles Expected

Daniela Rogulj

In case you’re going to the ferry port tonight…

Shift manager of the Split Ferry Port Ivan Gaće, from the Legio Quarta War Veterans Co-operative, which carries out concessionary tasks for mooring and sailing ships in the city harbor, spoke with Dalmacija Danas on August 18, 2018. 

“We have about 35 daily shift operations per day. Working with 15 consignees and 5 students. The business concerns all floating objects that enter the harbor; from Jadrolinija to catamarans, Krilo, cruisers and others. It’s hard in the sun, but we cool off a little, and we drink plenty of water,” Gaće told Dalmacija Danas. 

This season in Split has been rated as successful.

“The season is much better than last year, there are more vehicles, passengers, and boats than last season. In June, we already had a 10 percent increase in vehicles, and we have not yet counted the number of passengers.”

In the end, he commented on the new traffic regulation for the Split ferry port.

“It did not bring any improvement, the traffic is even more congested. The ships are late because of everything. The ships that unloaded in 20 minutes are now unloading in 40 because we have to cross the road and disembark. There is currently a great return from the islands, which the bridge and road cannot handle,” he added. 

“Departures of all ships are delayed for at least 10 minutes. The Marco Polo for Stari Grad was late by a half an hour. The Marco Polo came to help us because of the pressure from all the islands to Split. Tonight there will be a great inflow of vehicles for Italy, and we have over 600 vehicles announced. The Italians are going back and we will see a collapse tonight,” Gaće concluded. 


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