Top 5 Rainy Day Activities in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

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Even if you despise the rain, there are ways to make it bearable.

Sure, I know there are some weirdos who like it when it rains, like Shirley Manson.

But, I think most people prefer not having to waddle through puddles and being bathed by passing cars. However, we know that autumn will bring a series of days like these, and, sure, you can always watch The Office for the 19th time, but it’s not really good for you, and you’ll have to step out of your cave eventually.

What can you do, you wonder?

Well, lucky for you, Zagreb has a lot to offer for us who hate it when it rains, just get a sturdy pair of boots and a nice umbrella, and come this way.

1) Museums

Image may contain: sky, cloud and outdoor

That’s a no-brainer – Zagreb has the highest number of museums per capita, so why not go to one of them?
Entrance to the Museum of Contemporary Art is free on the first Wednesday of the month, the same goes for the Archaeological Museum, but on the first Sunday of the month, and there are so many other exciting museums to choose from: from the Museum of Broken Relationship and Museum of Illusions, which are undoubtedly the most unique Museums in the City, to Tortureum Museum of Torture, which will fit the mood of the gloomy, rainy day perfectly, or Zagreb City Museum, so you get to know the city a bit more.

Find out more about Zagreb Museums in our Museum section here.


2) Shop Till You Drop

Architecture, Shopping Mall, Shop, Shopping, Kielce

Ok, don’t do it, this country is in enough debt as it is, but, honestly, you know you can spend an entire day in shopping malls, window shopping at least, getting a cup of coffee, a snack, or even bowling. It might take you a while to reach the shopping centres – Arena and Avenue Mall are easy enough because you can reach them by tram, but for City Centre East and West or Westgate, you might need to get on a bus, which is still ok, because the rainy day might pass quicker? I don’t know, I can’t stand the rain so much that any excuse for it to go away quicker works for me.

Oh, and look, we have a detailed guide on those, too, so click here.


3) Go to a SPA

Wellness, Massage, Relax, Relaxing, Woman, Spa

Watching raindrops fall down while you’re crispy, warm, and enjoying a massage is more than fine with me, and there are plenty of options to choose from: you have the luxury options, such as Esplanade, the Westin, Sheraton in the city centre, but there are also true oases a bit further from the centre, as well as more affordable options in the centre. Check out Tripadvisor’s Top 10 Spa and Wellness Centres here.


4) Watch a Play

Zagreb, Croatia, National, Theater, Architecture

We truly have a gorgeous national theatre building which you definitely need to visit, and there are also some brilliant smaller, independent ones. Komedija, &TD, Kerempuh, Mala scena, Gavella, or, if you have children, Žar ptica or Trešnja.
“Ah, but I don’t speak Croatian that well,” you’ll cry, “Well, this is a perfect opportunity for you to practice and immerse yourself in a Croatian-speaking environment,” I’ll reply, so no excuses.



5) Eat & drink

See what I did there, made you read the entire thing and then listed the best option last? I’m sly, I know, BUT, hopefully, you got at least some inspiration, nay, motivation, to go out and do something even when it rains (ugh).
Now, you know how much we like our coffee, so I’d suggest going to a cosy and warm little place to enjoy a cup of great coffee, like Velvet, Qahwa, the recently-opened Hugo’s, Teacher’s Pub, Bacchus or Lav Crafter’s, there are numerous moody options to choose from, depending on what you’re looking for at a café.
Then, stop by for a warm meal, a stew, for example, or start your meal off with a soup, you need something warm and comforting on days like these. There’s Bistroteka, Pod zidom, Carpaccio, Time, Vinodol, Boban, and, again, many other options to choose from, depending on what you like to eat and how much you’re willing to spend. 

Find out more about Zagreb restaurants in our Eat section.

Finally, the dessert – you can stop by for some pancakes at Le Mika or Choco Café, eat delicious crumble with ice-cream at Amelie, try the heavenly Brownie Cake at Torte i to, or eat some štrukli at Le Štruk.


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