How Do You Get Rid of an Old Washing Machine on Hvar?

Total Croatia News

What to do with that old washing machine? A rather efficient disposal system exists on Hvar.

I haven’t thrown away a lot of washing machines in my life, and I really had no idea how to do it on Hvar, after our faithful ablution service finally gave up the ghost. After buying a replacement and leaving the old friend in the living room for several months while I tried to build up the courage to carry it down the steps and dispose of it, the threatening looks from my wife made me realise that saying goodbye to our old washing machine was a matter or urgency.

But how do you get rid of an old washing machine on Hvar?  

It turns out that it is rather easy (well, apart from carrying it down the steps – many thanks to my Mexican neighbour for applying the appropriate muscle power).

Each local authority on the island has a refuge collection service, and the one for Jelsa and Vrboska is called JELKOM. The company is celebrating 50 years of service in Jelsa and 40 years in Vrboska (they merged into one company a few years ago), and it turns out that they have a rather efficient old washing machine (and other objects) collection system.  

An email enquiry in English was promptly answered with the information that there is a special collection service on the first and third Mondays of the month, or potentially by special arrangement.

Important things to note are that items for collection should not be left in a public space, and also that leaving such objects by the communal trash bins (a common practice) is not allowed. And why would you, with such an efficient service as JELKOM provides.  

The JELKOM team arrived this Monday morning on cue, and with their remote controlled ‘spider’, they picked up the washing machine, lifted it into the truck, crushed it a little, then went on their merry way. Total time less than two minutes.

For more information about JELKOM’s services, or to contact them for the removal of any household appliances that will make your wife happier, visit the JELKOM website


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