

EU Gender Equality Report: Croatia Ranks Low

Total Croatia News

On 11th October 2017, the European Gender Equality Institute (EIGE) released its full report on Gender Equality and summarised that ...

007 Approved: Talented Split Artist Finds Fan in Pierce Brosnan

Daniela Rogulj

The artwork of Ana Mardešić is 007 approved.

Heritart Project: 300.000 € for Promotion of Cultural Heritage

Total Croatia News

Croatia, Italy, Spain and Romania joined forces in a project aiming to promote cultural heritage

Eco Picnic at Cetina River: Locals Protest Against Power Plant Project

Total Croatia News

The local population in the area around Peruća, the second largest artificial lake in Croatia, hasn’t ceased to protest against ...

Three Croatian Projects Win 2017 American Architecture Prize

Total Croatia News

Zagreb Airport, Slavonia Wine Chateau and a country estate in Herzegovina won the prestigious award.

Persuade on Purpose: Improve Your Presentation Skills – Find Out How in Split!

Total Croatia News

Need a hand in persuading someone? Head to Split for some tips!


Ladies of the Deep: “We Dive in Dangerous Sea Caves and Swim With Sharks!”

Total Croatia News

There are women who love endless shopping or coffee, but then there are those in love with sea depths, a ...


Discover Bučijada – Great Pumpkin Festival in Ivanić Grad

Total Croatia News

Ivanić Grad will host its annual Pumpkin Festival, or as locals call it – Bučijada, next weekend, from 13th to ...

Medjimurje: Meet Maja Lesinger, Director of the Best Library in Croatia

Total Croatia News

When it comes to the recognition of Croatia as a whole, not many people have heard of Prelog in Medjimurje ...

Winds of Croatia: Levant, the Adriatic’s Easterly Wind

Total Croatia News

Sailing in Croatia? Best you know your winds, Levant, the Easterly wind that can stir the Adriatic.