Rab Archaeology Project Sees Tour Guides Offered Free Training

Lauren Simmonds

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Copyright Romulic and Stojcic
Copyright Romulic and Stojcic

As Morski writes, the free educational and training sessions for tourist, mountain and cycling guides operating in the area of ​​the island of Rab is set to be held as the aforementioned Rab archaeology project is set to happen. As part of that, all interested tourist and cultural workers can also freely apply for the course in order to refresh their memories or boost their existing knowledge of this topic on the island.

This free training and additional education option doesn’t replace the licenses required for guided tours of Rab’s trails and sites, and it will be led by archaeologists Dr. sc. Ana Konestra from the Institute of Archeology and Ranko Starac, the curator of the Maritime and Historical Museum of the Croatian Littoral in Rijeka.

Due to the limited number of participants in this training sessions, licensed guides will have priority in the application process. Those who are interested in getting on this free training course can apply no later than June the 10th via: 099 / 814-0712 or by emailing czk@lopar.com

The Rab Archaeological (T)races project has arranged three educational hiking and biking trails covering a total length of 40 kilometres, where archaeological, sacral and ethno heritage hidden in untouched landscapes all over the island of Rab will be presented at 33 different locations, and an interactive mobile application (app) has been created precisely for this project that can be used for individuals exploring the island themselves or as an aid for organised guides.

For more, make sure to follow our lifestyle page. For all you need to know about Croatia’s many islands and how to pick the right one for your holiday, make sure to check out our dedicated section.


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