The foreign trade deficit increased by HRK 4.45 billion to 46.9 billion.
Coverage of imports by export was 65.9%.
The export of goods to EU countries was HRK 59.7 billion (+25.2%), while import was HRK 103.4 billion (+16.3%).
Export to non-EU countries went up by 26.1% to HRK 28 billion, while import went up by 33.3% to HRK 31.1 billion.
Expressed in euros, Croatia’s export of goods in the first eight months of 2021 was €11.6 billion, up 25.1% on the year, while import increased by 19.4% to €17.9 billion.
The foreign trade deficit was €6.2 billion.
Commodity exports to EU countries was €7.9 billion (+24.8%), while import was €13.7 billion (+15.9%).
Export to non-EU countries went up by 25.6% to €3.7 billion, while import went up by 32.8% to €4.1 billion.
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