Croatian News, a Week in Video Review (October 15)

Total Croatia News

October 15, 2023 – So what’s been happening in Croatia this week? Croatian news, a week in video review, powered by PIXSELL.

Last week, in partnership with leading video and photo agency PIXSELL, TCN launched a trial version of Croatian News, a Week in Video Review to see if there is enough interest in having a weekly (and possibly daily) video news service, using the excellent photos and footage of the PIXSELL team.

The idea is to feature 7 of the top stories from Croatia during the week, news curated by PIXSELL and read by me, with a little help from AI.

Many thanks to all of you for your feedback to last week’s first edition. There were some great suggestions, many of which we have tried to incorporate into this week’s edition, which you can find below.

We welcome further constructive comments in order to improve the product. Please email to Subject Video News.


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