Croatian Tourist Board Sets Sights on Event Tourism

Lauren Simmonds

croatian tourist board event tourism
Ivana Ivanovic/PIXSELL

September the 26th, 2024 – The Croatian Tourist Board has set its sights on event tourism outside of the main summer tourist season.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Mladen Miletic writes, the Croatian Tourist Board (HTZ) is conducting a public call for expressions of interest to implement marketing cooperation with the organisers of top events in 2025. The call will remain open until October the 21st, and the aim is contribute to the promotion of event tourism outside of the main season, as well as the country’s overall global visibility.

“Croatia is recognised as a destination rich in events, which often represent the main motive for the arrival of tourists. That’s why next year we’re planning to carry out marketing cooperation with the organisers of top events of national importance, thereby directly supporting the promotion of this segment of the offer, as well as of the country as a whole”, said Croatian Tourist Board director Kristjan Staničić.

The Croatian Tourist Board clearly considers event tourism – particularly events held outside the main tourist season – to be significant. It also deems those events which contribute to an increase in demand and influence the increase in tourist traffic and consumption in Croatia to carry weight.

The competition for top events has otherwise been held by the Croatian Tourist Board for years. These are events which spotlight culture, entertainment, sport and other content. The main subject of the current invitation is cooperation through promotion in all stages of implementation, while ensuring the visibility of the national tourism brand and communication messages of the Croatian Tourist Board and the production of various photo/video materials. The received applications will be evaluated by a special commission, and the partners will be chosen by the Tourist Council of the Croatian Tourist Board.

The invitation does however state that events such as pilgrimages, celebrations of anniversaries, competitions of professional associations, fairs, exhibitions, business gatherings (conferences, congresses, etc.), online and closed events will not be taken into consideration.


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