Mate Rimac Is Soon Set To Present His New Car

Lauren Simmonds

mate rimac new car
Instagram/Rimac Automobili/Screenshot

August the 17th, 2024 – Croatian entrepreneur and hypercar mastermind Mate Rimac is set to present his brand new car soon. It seems as if something quite radical has been brewing for some time now…

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, there have been plenty of whispers and rumours circulating among the general public, and particularly those in the automotive world for a long time now. They directly involve the proponent of Croatia’s best entrepreneurial story, Mate Rimac.

It seems that that the Livno-born businessman is currently preparing to present another brand new car, and now it has been revealed that something rather radical is in the works.

At least that’s how Rimac Automobili describes their new product, noting that something special is in store for lovers of Mate Rimac’s astonishing hypercars that have taken automotive and electric car lovers by storm.

The latest teaser of a photo shows us nothing more than a front part of the upcoming vehicle that resembles the gorgeous Nevera. There appear to be a few differences though, if we’re judging solely from the photo show. It seems that the new car boasts revised headlights and a more aggressive-looking front bumper.

“Are you radical? The road will never be the same again…” reads the equally alluring teaser of a photo description, suggesting that Radical might be the name of this new vehicle, reports N1.

“You think you know Rimac? Think again,” reads another description which will more than likely have automotive fans anticipating the car’s hopefully upcoming reveal.


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