
Forest Fire on Korcula: Please Be Careful and Vigilant
A forest fire broke out yesterday on Korcula. With this extreme heat, please be vigilant and careful.

Survey Says: How Did Croatians Rank Their Government and Ministers?
The people of Croatia have spoken in a survey evaluating their government and it’s ministers.
Daily Telegraph Discovers Croatia’s Best-Kept Secret: Kvarner Bay
First The Daily Mirror with Dalmatia, now The Daily Telegraph with Kvarner Bay. Croatia is a hot tourism topic back ...
British Media Interest in Croatia Continues: Something for Everyone in Dalmatia
The British media love affair with the Croatian coast continues.
Discover How Your Croatian Town Looked in 1968: New Online Service
Ever wondered what Croatia looked like 50 years ago? New online aerial service for all of Croatia now available.

Top 10 Beaches of Pula Chosen by Locals
July 15, 2015 – Ever wondered what are the best beached in Pula? Here are top 10 beaches of Pula ...
Worlds Fastest Super Yacht Speeds Across Adriatic
WallyPower 118, 5th fastest yacht in the world, spotted speeding across the Adriatic Sea.

Meet the Stars!
A rare chance to meet some of Croatia’s top handball stars in Jelsa on Wednesday July 15th.

Master of Wine Jo Ahearne: Why I am Making Wine in Croatia
There are just over 300 Masters of Wine in the world. Only one of them is currently making wine in ...