Milanović Criticises President for Not Speaking up About Knin Incident

Total Croatia News

ZAGREB, August 22, 2019 – Presidential hopeful Zoran Milanović on Thursday called out President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović for not speaking up about an attack on several ethnic Serbs that occurred in Knin on Wednesday evening.

He said that the election is drawing closer and incidents of this nature could occur “at the expense of the weaker and fewer ethnic Serbs in Knin, who it seems will be paying ‘interest in arrears’ for the mistakes of their fathers, for the next one thousand years.”

Milanović posted on his Facebook profile that the “expression ‘Great Serbia aggression’ in fact serves to isolate Great Serbia megalomaniacs who have been bullying (us) and neighbouring peoples for more than a hundred years.”

“If we were to say just ‘Serb aggression,’ that would refer to all Serbs,” he added.

Aggression as such need not be contentious for anyone unless Vučić becomes flustered, so dear HDZ candidate (for the presidency) I hope I was of some help,” Milanović posted.

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