
MOST to HDZ: If Karamarko Resigns, Petrov Will Also Leave the Government

Total Croatia News

Another twist in the ruling coalition saga? Still, it seems HDZ is not interested.

Zoran Milanović: HDZ Knows It Would Lose Early Elections

Total Croatia News

After two weeks of media silence, SDP president Zoran Milanović finally comments on government crisis.

Prime Minister: France is Interested in Investing in Croatia

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Prime Minister Orešković meets with his French counterpart.

Foreign Minister Kovač Meets with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu

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Important visit for Croatian diplomacy.

President Grabar-Kitarović Expresses Support for Curricular Reform

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In an open letter, the President calls on expert group to continue its work.

Four Possible Outcomes for Ruling Coalition Crisis

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In the next three weeks, Croatia could find out whether there will be early parliamentary elections, something not really seen ...

Foreign Minister Kovač Visiting Israel

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Croatian Foreign Minister Miro Kovač to arrive in an official visit to Israel.

Culture Minister Hasanbegović Gets Most Votes for HDZ Party Presidency

Total Croatia News

At Saturday’s HDZ party congress, controversial Culture Minister was one of the main stars.

Thousands of People Mark Tito’s Official Birthday in Kumrovec

Total Croatia News

While some want to ban communist symbols in Croatia, others celebrate the official birthday of Marshall Tito.

At HDZ Party Congress, Karamarko Launches Another Attack against MOST

Total Croatia News

The 17th HDZ Party Congress starts in an atmosphere of crisis in the ruling coalition.