Tired of Picigin? Play Glavomet

Pretty much everyone who visits Split knows about picigin, a beach game that has made Bačvice beach famous. However, almost every Split beach has its sport or a game that is its trademark. For example, Firule , the second largest sandy beach in Split a few hundred meters east of Bačvice, has glavomet. Freely translated, … Read more

Briškula, Trešeta, Karambol, Balota, Picigin…Dalmatian Pastimes

Along the Dalmatian coast and on the islands are quite a few activities that everyone shares. Some of the games stems from Italy or France while others are indigenous to Split. Nonetheless, they play an important role in Split culture and its identity; it brings people together for social game, whether outdoors or around a … Read more

Best Places to Take Kids on Vacation in Dalmatia

kids vacation dalmatia

July the 17th, 2024 – We have explored the options, and though it’s not a big country, Croatia offers an incredible amount of places and activities for just about anyone. So far, we looked at all the top places to take your kids in Eastern Croatia, Central Croatia, and Istria. In our tour from east to west to … Read more

The 5 Best Beaches on Mljet – Croatia’s Green Oasis

best beaches on mljet

June the 30th, 2024 – As we continue our journey along the coast looking at the best beaches in Croatia, we arrive on Croatia’s green paradise. Here are the 5 best beaches on Mljet. Saplunara Located in the southeastern part of the island is Saplunara – a white sandy beach that got its name from … Read more

Extreme Sports in Croatia – 6 Of The Most Bizarre Events

extreme sports in croatia

March the 12th, 2024 – For such a small nation, this country abounds in sporting talent. Extreme sports in Croatia are no exception. Here are six of the most bizarre such sporting events held. The Romans knew how to have fun. In an age before satellite television, they built amphitheatres for mass sporting entertainment. Gladiator … Read more