
Panturist Responds to Traveller Dissatisfaction, Explains 72 Bus Line Cuts

Lauren Simmonds

Slavonia’s negative demographic trends are having their knock-on effects even for public transport companies.

Big Infrastructure Project On Cards For Varaždin

Lauren Simmonds

A renovation is on the cards for one Northern Croatian gem!

Podravka Invited to Israeli Market

Lauren Simmonds

The popular Croatian Podravka brand has attracted the attention of the Israelis.

Marina Kaštela Concession Saved at Last Minute?

Lauren Simmonds

Is Marina Kaštela on its way to better days?

Čermak Wants to Invest 65 Million Euro in Zadar

Lauren Simmonds

Good news for Zadar.

Pevec Purchases Property with Sales Center in Kutina

Lauren Simmonds

Pevec in Kutina currently employs 45 people.

Agrokor: Minority Shareholders Seek Ramljak’s Dismissal

Lauren Simmonds

More discomfort for Ramljak as shareholders pile on the pressure.

Slavonians are Biggest Croatian Crypto-Miners

Lauren Simmonds

Slavonia is becoming the home of a rather different type of miner…

More Companies and More Exports in Lowest Paid Industry in Country

Lauren Simmonds

Due to low wages, the textile and leather industry is increasingly struggling to reach a new professional workforce…

Rimac Automobili: ”By End of Year, We’ll Grow to Around 400 People”

Lauren Simmonds

Welcome news from one of Croatia’s most well known success stories.