croatian language


2021 European Languages Day: Varaždin Celebrates German Language Learning

Total Croatia News

‘Gore gore gore gore’ (hills burn worse up there) is one of those sentences that show how weird but cool ...

Matija Habljak/PIXSELL

Croatian Language Scholarship: Ten Things You Need to Know Before Arriving

Total Croatia News

On May 14th of this year, the Central State Office for Croats outside the Republic of Croatia announced the call ...


Spanish Party Team in Split: Spanish Youth Tries the Croatian Coast

Total Croatia News

Croatia is an easy county to adapt to Spaniards because they don’t really need to adapt a lot. The climate ...


Croaticum Croatian Language and Culture Summer School Announced for 2021

Total Croatia News

The Croatian language and culture are beginning to generate more and more interest among not only ex-pats who wish to ...

© NIU Hrvatska riječ

Minority Leaders Push for Introducing Croatian as Official Language in Vojvodina

Total Croatia News

The HNV web portal reported on Friday evening about this initiative launched by the leadership of ethnic Croats in Serbia ...

Learning Croatian: Dalmatia’s Shortest and Most Common Conversation

Total Croatia News

Having the perfect teacher can enhance your chances of learning a foreign language considerably, and there are no finer teachers ...

Copyright Romulić and Stojčić Wikipedia

People Also Ask Google: What Language Do They Speak in Istria?

Total Croatia News

Where is Istria? Istria is the biggest and northernmost peninsula in Croatia and the Adriatic. It lies in the northern ...

Source: Pixabay

Month of Croatian Language to be Observed from 21 February to 17 March

Total Croatia News

The Month of the Croatian Language is taking place between the day marking the International Mother Language Day, 21 February, declared ...

Learning Croatian: the Dialect Words of Hvar Wine (VIDEO)

Total Croatia News

One of my favourite features over the last ten years writing about Croatia is a language series we started soon ...

Croatian Language: Logical, Phonetic, Impossible, Dialectalised & Globalised

Total Croatia News

December 6, 2020 – Is the Croatian language as impossible to learn as they say? It really depends on how ...