
Popular ”City Games” comes to Zaton this month!

Lauren Simmonds

The much loved City Games, which many still remember under the former name of ”Adriatic Games”, is coming to Zaton ...

Gumball 3000 comes to Dubrovnik!

Lauren Simmonds

The Gumball 3000 Rally is in town on the 4th of July!

A Touch of Bulgaria… in Dubrovnik!

Total Croatia News

A memorial replica of a historic chart issued in 1230 AD by a Bulgarian Tsar unveiled in Dubrovnik!

Mato Frankovic: ”I’ve abolished free parking on Pile for everyone, myself and my deputies will have no special privilege”

Lauren Simmonds

A double edged sword, but an excellent start from Dubrovnik’s newly elected Mayor, Mato Frankovic.

North and South: Cooperation between Dubrovnik and Varazdin

Lauren Simmonds

Is greater cooperation between two cities at either end of the country on the cards?

One of the biggest yachts in the world: ”Ocean Victory” near Plat

Lauren Simmonds

The 140 meter beast is ”resting” close to Plat, Dubrovnik-Neretva County.

Chicago Tribune: ‘Game of Thrones’ Fans Flocking to Dubrovnik

Total Croatia News

July is fast approaching, cruisers are bringing tens of thousands of people to Dubrovnik, and it’s no wonder that the ...

The Guardian lists the Dubrovnik Circular on ”10 of the best new cycling holidays in Europe”

Lauren Simmonds

The Guardian shines the spotlight on the Dubrovnik Circular cycling route.

Six cruisers and 10,000 people to arrive in Dubrovnik today

Lauren Simmonds

Prepare for traffic jams…

Nine Firefighters battle Fire on Peljesac throughout the night

Lauren Simmonds

After the tragedy in Podgora, it seems the wild fires are set to spread as Peljesac takes a hit.