european union


Croatia EU Ambassador: ‘Good Riddance’ UK Becomes English School Billboard

Total Croatia News

“Good Riddance, UK!” After Irena Andrassy, Croatian ambassador to the EU, delivered her side-splitting parting statement to the UK; one ...


Croatia Life Satisfaction: Second from Bottom of EU

Total Croatia News

“It’s a nice place to visit, but I wouldn’t want to live there,” so the saying goes, and that appears ...


Croatia Housing Costs Highest in EU Compared to Wages

Total Croatia News

As reported by IndexHR, and according to an article published on the VoxEU portal, of all EU nations Croats (in ...

European Union Affirms Energy Transition of Croatian Islands

Lauren Simmonds

As Morski writes on the 7th of June, 2019, the European Commission (EC) has recognised the value of the energy ...

Croatian Representative at Top of European Water Association

Lauren Simmonds

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Marta Duic writes on the 30th of May, 2019, for the very first time since the founding of ...

Croatia and EU Invest Heavily in Zagreb Tram Network Reconstruction

Lauren Simmonds

The general aim is to modernise and improve the quality of Zagreb’s tram network, and this particular project does not ...

Zdravko Marić and Boris Vujčić Take First Step to Introduction of Euro

Lauren Simmonds

When Croatia jointed the European Union back in July 2013, it agreed that it would eventually have to introduce the ...

EU Funds Turning Old Croatian Castles into Hotels and Museums

Lauren Simmonds

EU funds have opened up a wide variety of doors for Croatia, quite literally. As more and more EU funding ...

Switzerland Continues to Limit Labour Market Access for Croatian Citizens

Lauren Simmonds

As Vedran Marjanovic/Novac writes on the 27th of May, 2019, as of June the 1st this year, Switzerland will fully ...

Šibenik Continues to Impress with EU Fund Withdrawal for Cultural Heritage

Lauren Simmonds

Šibenik is an example of excellent practice when it comes to withdrawing the European Union funds made available to it, ...