european union

“Lack of Workers is Biggest Barrier to Tourism Development”

Lauren Simmonds

Negative trends need to be taken care of and we need to change them quickly so that Croatian tourism will ...

Report on Croatian Justice System from Council of Europe Highlights Improvements and Concerns

Lauren Simmonds

While significant improvements have indeed been made, Croatia still has a very long way to go in terms of the ...

Croatian ICT Company on List of 1000 Companies Inspiring Europe

Lauren Simmonds

Another Croatian company finds itself on a highly desirable list.

Croatia’s Algebra LAB Passes European Commission Evaluation

Lauren Simmonds

Excellent news for one innovative Croatian company as the European Commission gives them an official nod of approval.

”Croatia is Successful in Using Most Important EU Programs”

Lauren Simmonds

Minister Gabrijela Žalac and Commissioner Corina Creţa held a dialogue with citizens.

Minister Žalac at Budapest Conference on New EU Financial Period

Lauren Simmonds

The next “Friends of Cohesion” conference will be held next year in Croatia.

Carlsberg Plans to Release New Packaging, Date for Croatian Market Unknown

Lauren Simmonds

More stringent rules across the European Union’s single market have given rise to new things.

Croatia’s EU Presidency is Perfect Chance to Promote Croatian Invention: Ties!

Lauren Simmonds

It has been concluded that Croatia has the best opportunity to promote the tie during the forthcoming period as it ...

One Billion Kuna for Energy Renewal of Schools, Healthcare Facilities and More

Lauren Simmonds

Is more emphasis on energy efficiency on its way to Croatia’s public sector facilities?

EU Money for Osijek IT Park?

Lauren Simmonds

Something brand new in the works for Osijek?