Bandic: ”I suggest that Marshal Tito Square becomes the Square of the Republic of Croatia!”
Newly re-elected Zagreb Mayor Milan Bandic offers his suggestions when it comes to the renaming of the controversial Marshal Tito ...
Milan Bandic wants Referendum on Renaming of Marshal Tito Square
The square, which bears the name of the controversial Yugoslav leader Josip Broz Tito has found itself the subject of ...
Zagreb Mayor to Accept Renaming of Marshal Tito Square?
In a brief statement to reporters, Milan Bandić seemed to suggest that he was ready to accept the demand of ...
Josip Broz Tito’s Birthday Marked in Kumrovec
The event in Tito’s birthplace brought together several thousand people.
Hajduk Legends; Yugoslav Cup Winners Reunite 50 Years After
Hajduk reunited the 1967 Marshall Tito Cup winners on the 50th anniversary of the first out of 15 national cups ...
Jeremy Clarkson: ”I’ve just met my first Corbyn supporter. Hilarious. Actually thinks Croatia was better under Tito”
British presenter Jeremy Clarkson is known for his straight-forward, to the point comments, it seems he isn’t about to stop ...

All the Faces of Tito: Remnants of the Cult of Personality
May 4th represents one of the most significant dates in history of the region: the day Josip Broz Tito passed ...
European Millions to Save Tito’s “Seagull”
The Galeb (seagull) ship, wasting away for years in Rijeka harbour, is due to be renovated with money from European ...
Tito Era Mass Graves Located on Route of New Zagreb Cableway?
Test excavations are about to start.

Saša Broz: Grandfather Tito was Always a Lot of Fun
Renowned theatre director and granddaughter of Josip Broz Tito, Saša Broz, in any media conversation cannot avoid question about her ...