
New from Tomic: Taking Plavac Mali to the Next Level
The Andro Tomic wine range welcomes a big brother.

Of Presidents and Ambassadors: Which Hvar Wines were Served at the Inauguration?
What better way to celebrate a presdiential inauguration than with the finest Hvar wines.
American Ambassador in Jelsa, and Whose Wines Do They Serve at the Embassy?
The American ambassador is in Jelsa with his wife, as it emerges that Hvar wines are served at official American ...
Quite Brilliant! A Wine Festival in the Town of Wine… With No Wine!?!
Telepathy tourism information branches out to telepathy wine tasting in a truly innovative new direction for Jelsa tourism. All you ...

Why the Future of Jelsa Wine is Very Bright
One small town, three quality winemakers – Jelsa, the heart of Hvar wine.

Tourism After Christmas: What is There to Do on Hvar?
Hvar is open 12 months a year, and tourists do come out of season. But what do they do?

Adding a Touch of Style to Jelsa’s Fešta Vina
A visible raising in wine quality at this year’s Jelsa festival, and a stylish appearance from Ivo Duboković.

A Very Pleasant Surprise on a Visit to the Pub
The joys of living in a small community.
The Wine Shops of Hvar: Where to Find That Perfect Bottle
More people are commenting on the quality of Hvar wines this year, and asking where they can buy them…

The Dangers of Donkey Racing and a Rise in Class of the Jelsa Wine Festival
A casualty at the annual donkey races, and a visible raising of standards at this year’s Festa Vina.