Unfortunately, there is still nothing good to report when it comes to the Agrokor crisis…
The Croatian media giant Index reports that it was confirmed that 27 smaller Konzum stores will face closure within the next month, the bad news follows a statement from CEO Slavko Ledic that 80 to 100 Konzum stores will be shut down in the coming months, with plans to lay off employees.
Konzum’s Management Board informed the Trade Union and the Workers’ Council of the depressing data after it found that these 27 stores were deemed to be unprofitable.
In an effort to provide reassurance and comfort of some kind for those who will be immediately affected by the closures, Stulic stated that “part of Konzum’s workforce will go to other Konzum stores, for example, on the coast, where Konzum is lacking in labour” it was also stated that in the case of a Konzum employee remaining unaccounted for, they will be taken care of under the law and under the collective agreement of Konzum. She also noted that employees would have the right to severance payments under the aforementioned collective agreement.
According to Stulic, Konzum stores are continually being tracked in order to determine the profitable from the unprofitable.
“Every year we close down a few stores and we will work intensively this year as we focus on the profitability of the stores. We will close a number of stores, but we will take care of the people [affected] according to the law.”