August the 22nd, 2024 – It has been proven that the West Nile virus has infected two Croatian nationals so far, with the number of those actually infected with it considered to be much higher.
As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, the first cases of confirmed West Nile virus infection were recorded in two Croatian nationals living in the Banovina area. The two individuals from the areas of Sisak and Petrinja have fallen ill, and it is suspected that there are dozens more infected with the disease spread by mosquitoes. Croatian epidemiologists are stating that there is no reason to panic whatsoever, but there does need to be caution taken, because this virus can be very dangerous to human health.
“We have two patients suffering from West Nile virus, they’ve unfortunately developed meningoencephalitis, which is very rare. When you look at this disease, we have to say that 70 to 80 patients don’t actually have any problems,” explained Inoslav Brkić, epidemiologist and director of the Institute of Public Health of Sisak-Moslavina County.
“wherever there are birds and mosquitoes, there will be diseases like these”

“Anyone who has any symptoms like a rash, muscle pain – which much feel a lot like summer flu,” should contact their doctor immediately. Such symptoms definitely need to be looked into more deeply and properly addressed. There are diseases everywhere all over the world and wherever there are birds and mosquitoes there will be diseases such as these ones,” he added for
The area of Sisak and Petrinja will be treated with larvicide and adulticide in order to try to combat the issue of mosquitoes in a practical way. “We are taking all the necessary measures according to the instructions”, said the mayor of Petrinja, Magdalena Komes.
the two croatian nationals with west nile virus developed severe clinical pictures

“These two patients unfortunately developed more severe symptoms. They were suffering from severe headaches, high fever, and pain in their muscles and joints. It was difficult for them to move around, and for the first two or three days they were also experiencing a disordered state of consciousness. They had a hard time waking up, which is an immediate alarm for us that we’re dealing with a more serious disease,” explained Tonka Jozić Novinc, head of the Department of Infectious Diseases at the Sisak General Hospital.
“West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes, it is not transmitted from person to person. The greater the number of mosquitoes, the greater the probability that someone will get infected. It can be expected that we will have more cases,” she said.
The two Croatia nationals have thankfully recovered well. “However, whenever you contract a disease that affects the central nervous system, of course problems and damage are to be expected. There can be severe consequences,” said Jozić Novinc.