Lectio: Croatian Reading App Beats The Competition

Lauren Simmonds

croatian reading app lectio

August the 15th, 2024 – One Croatian reading app called Lectio has impressed the masses in its aim to encourage reading and improve literary skills.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Borivoje Dokler writes, back at the beginning of March, the 4th edition of the Digital Innovation Incubator was held. It brought together over 900 students from over 70 different schools, as well as more than 900 students attending more than 120 faculties from over 20 countries across Europe.

The finale of the project was held at the beginning of last month in the premises of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb, where the most successful ones presented their projects and competed for major prizes.


Nine categories

In each of the nine categories, the top three teams were awarded. The winners were announced among primary schools, secondary schools, the competition of Hrvatski Telekom (Croatian Telecom) and the ICT industry, the competition of Jamnica and the beverage industry, the competition of E.ON and the energy industry, the competition of Nova TV and media industry, Raiffeisen bank and financial industry tender, Skolska knjiga (School book) and publishing industry tender, and Sinteza Polyclinic and the healthcare industry tender. The best of the best this year were Tomislav Kovačević, Gabriel Veselovac and Filip Cica, FERIT students from Osijek, with their commendable Croatian reading app – Lectio.

Lectio, a Croatian app, is a framework for developing reading skills that solves the ongoing problem of falling reading habits among people of different ages. Lectio aims to encourage and motivate users to read through a personalised approach to different reader profiles. The app also measures reading abilities and generates an individual reading plan, as well as sets and monitors goals depending on the user’s personal preferences.

In addition to numerous other functionalities, the Croatian reading app also offers the possibility of connecting users to different communities that serve to share recommendations, successes and discussions on certain topics and/or books.

the digital innovation incubator

“The ability to solve problems creatively is one of the key skills of the future for all those who want to create new value through innovation and change the status quo. We’re extremely glad that there are a large number of young people who want to develop this ability and we’re happy that they’re doing it together with us through this project, thus recognising us as a partner in the long-term process of training and development of creative potential”, emphasised Filip Vrhovnik, the initiator and head of the Digital Innovation Incubator.

the development of potential

The Digital Innovation Incubator which saw the Croatian reading app Lectio publicised is otherwise an ecosystem for the development of innovation projects and creative potential. It involves students and pupils and connects them with leading regional companies and leaders as well as the best professors from Croatia and elsewhere across the world. The aim is to find applicable innovative solutions for all kinds of challenges faced by companies, markets and industries.

The goal of the project is to build a community of exceptional individuals who want to develop their own potential and be recognised as talents, leaders and experts of the future. The incubator is based on several fundamental stages. The first is focused on the education and development of basic knowledge and skills necessary for the development of innovation projects. That stage sees the students develop their own competencies across four key areas: value creation mindset, the basic principles of creativity and innovation, the development of ideas into innovation projects, and the management and leadership of innovation projects.

The second phase refers to the application of the actual project idea, while the third phase is the development and elaboration of innovation projects. The last, fourth phase of the project ends with the final pitch of the developed idea and the announcement of the winners according to the defined categories/industries.


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