Saharan Sand Continues to Arrive Above Croatia

Lauren Simmonds

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saharan sand croatia

May the 1st, 2024 – Saharan sand has continued to arrive above Croatia, with the sky above the country seen covered by a layer of it.

As Poslovni Dnevnik writes, from the middle of today onwards, the occurrence of rain and showers accompanied by thunder will become more frequent. This will take place first along the Adriatic and in mountainous parts of Croatia, and towards the evening it will spread elsewhere.

As it was announced, the Saharan sand has now firmly reached Croatia and the immediate surrounding area. “The sunrise showed that the Saharan sand has arrived over our region. That means that the atmosphere in parts of the country will be cloudy,” they announced from DHMZ.


A markedly sunny and warm day yesterday will be rather drastically altered today, as clouds will gather throughout the morning. From the middle of the day onwards, the occurrence of the aforementioned rain and showers accompanied by thunder will begin. More abundant precipitation is locally possible, as the Meteoalarm system of the State Hydrometeorological Institute warns. Temperatures will also be quite significantly lower. There have also been warnings that people should also count on windy conditions, especially along the coast and at sea, where it will blow strongly and very strongly from the south.

Thursday seems set to bring the continuation of unstable weather across much of the country, with the frequent occurrence of rain appearing as intermittent showers. The situation will continue to be very unstable on Friday as well, and noticeably cooler.

Over the weekend, things will stabilise and it seems that temperatures will rise a little again, but there will still be occasional rain and showers across the country.


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