Over Half a Million Euros To Be Paid To Croatian Olympians

Lauren Simmonds

croatian olympians
Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

August the 15th, 2024 – A very generous sum will be paid out by the state to Croatian Olympians – 542.5 million euros to be precise.

As Poslovni Dnevnik/Mladen Miletic writes, the state will pay a total of more than half a million euros, 542.5 thousand to be exact, to the Croatian Olympians. That sum will go to to the nation’s Olympic medal winners, six individuals and the men’s water polo team.

Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

Changes to the regulations and the Law on Sport came just before the Games in Paris. Following criticism after Tokyo 2021 that the prizes issued by Croatia were too small compared to those issued by some other countries, it was one of the first moves tackled by the sport department within the new Croatian Government.

Gold was won by the talented Barbara Matić in judo, and in rowing, famous brothers Valent and Martin Sinković took home the same medal (which was otherwise the pair’s third!). All three Croatian Olympians received 41,000 euros from the government each. That is a considerable 13,000 euros more than was issued back in 2021.

Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

Silver was won by Donna Vekić and the Croatian water polo team, whose 13 players, just like the tennis player from Osijek, are now 26,000 euros richer. Croatia also won three bronze medals in Paris. They were won by Miran Maričić from Bjelovar in archery, Lena Stojković from Split in taekwondo and Sandra Elkasević in the discus throw. According to the regulations, each of these Croatian Olympians is entitled to 18.5,000 euros each.

Every gold medal winner for the Republic of Croatia is also entitled to a state sport pension, which ranges anywhere from 40 to 100 percent of the average net salary. Croatia is actually one of the few countries that values ​​the achievements of its athletes in this way when they reach the age of 45.

the financial gains for croatian olympians are still far from those given in hong kong

Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

“It’s important to emphasise that with the latest amendments to the Law on Sport, we’ve have made it possible for Olympic coaches to get the same when they turn 55,” Tourism and Sport Minister Tonči Glavina pointed out during the games. He noted that a Croatian Olympian who takes home a gold medal will get more than half a million euros. This is when you add up all of the awards, allowances and a lifetime pension from the state.

In addition to cash provided by the state, the local communities from which the Croatian Olympians come can also decide on these monetary awards. Bjelovar, as well as Bjelovar-Bilogora County, will reward their bronze medalist Miran Maričić with an additional 10,000 euros, while his coach will also receive three thousand euros.

Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

Some countries are much more generous when it comes to rewarding their gold medal winners. One fine example is neighbouring Italy, which pays their gold medal winners 180,000 euros each. Even the much, much poorer Serbia provides its gold medal winners with 200,000 euros. Hong Kong takes things even further, rewarding them the equivalent of a massive 700,000 euros. However, only a few nations have decided on providing an athlete’s pension, making Croatia stand out in that regard.


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