Photo of the Day


Video of the Week

Total Croatia News

Hvar Wine Producers: 7 Not to Miss

Total Croatia News

Indigenous grapes, various micro-climates, different approaches to winemaker, a range of professional egos – for such a small place the ...

PZ Svirce: The Pride of Croatia Airlines

Total Croatia News

The more I travel away from Hvar, the more Hvar seems to jump out at every turn. I was surprised ...

Two Hvar Wines Come Away With Four Gold Wine Stars in Zagreb

Total Croatia News

Total Hvar’s roving wine reporter Zdravko Podolski has all the tough assignments… Here he is, reporting back from yet more ...

srednja skola1

Grape Harvest with Style – Local Teenagers Spending Time in the Fields

Total Croatia News

Cars parked along the road in the fields, tractors everywhere and the characteristic wine-making smell coming from almost every house ...

The Rise and Rise of Wine in Hvar Town Tourism

Total Croatia News

All the Hvar nightlife headlines may surround the party these days, but there has been a very interesting development in ...

To the Fields: The 2015 Grape Harvest Has Started!

Total Croatia News

Wonderful picture posted the other day by the Svirce Cooperative, also known as PZ Svirce, indicating that the focus of ...

Taking the Hvar Wine Bar to the Next Level: Vintage is Open!

Total Croatia News

Blogging is a funny thing. There are some blogs you are convinced will go viral that die an undignified death, ...