Dalmatian Lamb Becomes 40th Croatian Food Product Protected by EU

Katarina Anđelković

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Hrvoje Jelavic / PIXSELL
Hrvoje Jelavic / PIXSELL

As 24Sata writes, the procedure for the protection of the name was initiated by the Association of Sheep and Goat Breeders of Dalmatia, which submitted a request to the Ministry of Agriculture for the protection of the designation of origin under the name Dalmatian lamb.

Dalmatian lamb is the meat of lambs of the original Croatian breed of sheep, the Dalmatian Pramenka, which are lambed, reared, and slaughtered exclusively in Dalmatia. For the production of “Dalmatian lamb,” lambs are slaughtered at 70 to 130 days old when they reach a body weight of 15 to 28 kilograms. It is named after the breeding area of the Dalmatian lamb, Dalmatia, but the name Dalmatia itself comes from the Illyrian word for sheep, dalma, or delma. 

“Especially valued ‘Dalmatian lamb’, produced on the islands, coast, and karst areas of the Dalmatian Zagora, is characterized by a delicate muscle structure without pronounced marbling, white subcutaneous and internal fat deposits. Compared to other types of lamb, the ‘Dalmatian lamb’ meat contains significantly less fat. Consumers recognize and especially appreciate Dalmatian lamb, primarily because of its soft and juicy muscle tissue and its aroma and taste without a pronounced mutton smell,” the Ministry of Agriculture explains.


The Republic of Croatia now has 40 agricultural and food products whose name is registered in the European Union as a protected designation of origin or a protected designation of geographical origin.

The EU mark of the protected designation of origin or the protected designation of geographical origin on the packaging guarantees the consumer the purchase of an authentic product.

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