It’s Friday afternoon, and the Croatian highways are already experiencing problems caused by the high volume of passengers in cars, trying to get to their seaside destinations as soon as possible. Croatian police posted two videos on their social media this afternoon, warning passengers of potential delays:
Upozorenja i savjeti vozačima koji kreću na godišnje odmore – zbog očekivanog povećanja ?? na ?️ i stvaranja prometnih gužvi, pozivamo sudionike u prometu na poštivanje prometnih propisa te međusobno tolerantno ponašanje i strpljenje Video/Lučko 18,35
— MUP-RH (@mup_rh) July 29, 2022
Demerje – 18,40
— MUP-RH (@mup_rh) July 29, 2022
In those tweets, in addition to the videos, they warn the passengers that the delays are to be expected, and that they should follow all of the traffic regulations, and treat each other with respect, tolerance and patience.
Tomorrow morning we can expect the volume of traffic to be even higher, as it usually is on Saturdays. Luckily, one thing we’ll almost certainly not be experiencing this year and in the future, are the problems related to crossing the Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina border near the Neum corridor, as most of that traffic will be directed to the freshly opened Pelješac bridge.